Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kobe's new passion...

Kobe today after school-

"Did anyone call, were there any calls, mommy did you get the phone call?" (all one question :)

Next Question-

"Daddy can you call, can we pick it up, is it ready?"

He was so excited to get this:

This was him right up until bedtime... (minus a quick dinner break)

I have a feeling that this violin will be a permanent fixture on his chin :)

His first "real" lesson is tomorrow with his strings teacher...
I thought that I would be more excited about this violin thing than him...

...think I was wrong...

Monday, September 27, 2010

First day of school!!

A little late on posting these...

The first day of school is always a little nerve racking, but this year we're throwing in a brand new school and brand new friends on top of it...

I was so nervous for both of them...

all day long...

Kobe's new friends are already calling the house and he is trying a lot of new things this year like playing the violin...

He is really doing very well with the transition!

Mia loves school too! She comes home with an extra hop in her step these days...

Maybe it's because her teacher lets her spend a lot of time drawing in the classroom...hmmm.

Nevertheless she's doing incredibly well and it makes me so happy for her.

Conquering the first few weeks of school was a really big step and one of the things that I was most worried about with our new southern adventure...

I love my amazing kiddos...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pretty Lula...

I haven't been able to blog in such a long time because of some issues with my camera. Bad timing because we have so much going on.
Well, finally it's fixed and I now have a ton of pics to share...
I also have an amazing, very elegant, and pretty Lula...

I have to admit with all that's been going on, sadly I feel like Lula is the one who has missing out on her fair share of attention ...so my first blog will be all hers!

Now that I'm working more I miss out on all the one on one time Lula and I used to get... I REALLY miss her...

I keep telling myself that guilt is just part of parenting, but for some reason it doesn't make me feel better.
One thing that does make me feel better is that I signed Lula up for dance classes at a small local studio and she LOVES it!! Anyone who knows Lula would guess that Lula would! If I can figure out how to add a video I'll be posting a sneak-peek of her amazing work...

Lula is such a natural, and no I did not tell her to pose for this picture...lol
Mommy loves you Lula-Belly!