Sunday, August 14, 2011

The days of our lives...

Oh the days... where do they go? Around here days are seeming like hours and hours like minutes. I keep asking I grasping every moment?

Everyday that goes by they become a little more independent...

Kobe has earned some freedom to come and go. There is nothing that could have prepared me for the first time he grabbed his bike helmet, left the house, and started down the street on his bike...alone. I stayed on the front steps even after he disappeared around the corner...

So as the days fall through the cracks of my desperately cupped hands, I've been making a special effort to really grasp all these beautiful moments...

Soon we'll be back to a routine where my big kids are swallowed by the long school days.

Even though they are both excited to start a new school year, I selfishly wish our summer break wasn't close to the end. I love the amount of family time we've had this year...

On a more positive note...
We're almost back to Lula and Mommy time (with a little Jude sprinkled on top). Lula will be starting dance class and we'll be attending a few Mom-and Me activities during the week. Needless to say she is pretty excited about that.

I can't believe it's been over a month...
Jude is so big and so advanced. He'll be walking way before we expect I'm sure. He's so eager to get up and play along-side the bigger kids. He will sit and watch them for long periods of time. He's so smiley and happy and just plain sweet as a yam...