{L} turns Five!!!!
It feels like there is a such a difference between four and five.
Five is soooooo big!
There is an independence at five that you just don't have yet at four!
The world is such an interesting place to explore when your five. There are so many new interests and understandings. New tastes and appreciations for the finer things in life...
Cake pops!
{L} designed her own cake pops...with a little help from her brothers and sister}
I'm so proud of my beautiful {L}! She's made a lot of really great friends! She's full of confidence and charisma!
We are so blessed to be in the presence of this princess. I love to have conversations with her and just sit back and watch her play.
She's a reader, she's a writer, and she's an illustrator. She has become so responsible and is getting smarter everyday!
We love you {L}...we do...we love you {L}...we do...we love you {L}...we do...oh {L} we love you!
It was a pretty fantastic Birthday day!
We even had a blizzard in Williamsburg! Wow!
Even though I grew up driving in snow, it's pretty treacherous here due to the fact that there are very few snow plows.
It was a really good feeling to see the snow, and it felt like an extra birthday gift to {L}.
God is good!