Sunday, March 18, 2012

It's how we roll...

Wooohooo onto our third week of homeschooling! We are really enjoying the time we have...
Some of us like to build massive structures at the public library...

Some of us like to spend time observing others with professions we might like to take up one day...

We all like to take a moment to just sit and smell the Spring flowers...

...and scuffle our feet over the rain-covered walkways...

Some of us like to reach out and touch everything we can. Explore our world by feel and taste...

Some of us have really great questions like:

Is there really a Tasmanian Devil in Tasmania?
What gives the Dead Sea and the Red Sea their names?

Some of us seek out the answers to our great questions...

Some of us are so curious and eager to find out how things work...'s just how we roll...

How do you roll?

Monday, March 12, 2012


We experienced the willy-nillies of the first week of homeschooling.
It felt good to get back into the swing of things today. I've learned some very valuable lessons through the past week.

No.1 While in the midst of the helter-skelter of our home with crying, diapering, feeding, holding, bathing, arguing siblings, whining, and homeschooling, it's hard to see the value of our everyday routine.

There are seasons of life, some more challenging than others. Right now we are in the season of mentoring, teaching, and training our children.
There is no one who will love them more than us, be willing to correct them consistently, teach them godly values, train them the right way, or mentor them by example.
This season will be gone soon and we'll never get it back.

This season is such a blessing to me...I don't want to miss a single second of it.

We are figuring out how to work more independently...without distractions.
I wrote all the children's names on the chalkboard and put a strike next to their name when they interrupted the lesson.
{K} ended up with the most strikes, {L} followed and {M} came out clean with none.
The children love the science experiments, and of course recess!

For the most part we have managed to keep things organized and simple...

{J} is really soaking up the extra attention. He's now a climber. a scooter, a backwards crawler, eight months old, a stinker, and the proud owner of eight teeth.

So while I'm unable to have very many moments to sit and meditate, and seek wisdom...alone...

{I thought I was alone for this moment...apparently not...ha!}

...I still know that I'm on the right path, and I see signs all over telling me that THIS is what we're meant to be doing...

I love these moments of affirmation...

Friday, March 2, 2012

It's Official!

We are now homeschoolers!!
Today was {K}'s last day of school and {M} will finish the beginning of next week.
We are so excited to venture into the world of learning at our own pace. We can move quickly if we need or linger if we so choose...
Our curriculum is outlined and we'll be creating our own textbooks.

Homeschooling has been on our agenda for years now, but it hasn't been right until now...right now!
I made my list of homeschooling pros and cons...
The only item on the "cons" list is "we'll miss Mrs. Hyland"...

When Daddy and I made our initial decision to do it right now, we had to break the news to the kids.
{M} said, "yeah!!!"
{K} said, "do I have to wear my shoes to homeschool?"
{L}'s happy to have {M} all the time and {J} is fond of the extra entertainment!

I am so happy to learn with my children. I love how enthusiastic they are about books and numbers, facts and logic.
I love how eager they are to help out around the house...

...and happy it makes them to do the right thing...

Yes, we are on a very exciting adventure and we've got our exploring bags packed!!