Friday, August 17, 2012


Do you ever have those days {or weeks if your like me} when you are so doubtful?

All of the doubt that I muster is painful and unfortunate, as well as a joy-busting WASTE of time. Knowing the aforementioned, I do it anyway. 

I find myself doubting my parental achievements more than anything else. Some days I just feel like a terrible failure in the parental department and I get really hard on myself.

My friends, co-workers, and especially my husband always remind me how great of a Mom they think I am...I really really need to hear that. A lot. I am an affirmation addict. No, really I am. This is something I've learned about myself lately.

I get really sensitive when my kids do something wrong. I usually blame myself. Sometimes I just laugh it away, but other times I dwell and analyse and analyse get the point. After I get so sick of analysing I accept and move on...phew! {Boy, what a waste of time and energy}

Right on my bathroom sink I keep a framed, subway art scripture that says:

{ "Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowlege Him & He will make your paths staight."
--Proverbs 3:5-6 }

It's funny how things work. I see this everyday, but today I really saw it.
This is God's way of telling me how to handle doubt...
Thank You Lord!

I have some pictures to share, but don't judge my parental abilities based on my lil' dare-angel...
Put it this way, we're just "rough around the edges"...

Wait for it...

Ok, hold your breath...

We're the Zeres, we come as we are and and we're "wide open"

"There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills."

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Purging and Preparing...

I finally did it! I've been planning to do it for a while now.

I had the less than desirable, ever-so-dreaded, yard sale.

I will be the first to admit that...
 I could've been more prepared.
I would've planned it more thoroughly had I known.
I should've advertised better.

Oh well, It was really fun. My Mama came over for the morning and hung out. She made more money than all of us {way to go Mom!}
I won't post any pics of her because she was making crazy faces in all of them...AND she would kill me for it :)
I think the girls came in second for the most earnings with their lemonade stand:

{K} was helpful and pretty patient. He sold some stuff and handled the cashiering...

{J} was pretty difficult, we had to keep bringing him inside to Daddy...

He didn't last too long with all the excitement...

Even though my yard sale was not a financial success, I did however succeed in getting rid of a lot of stuff. Even though it didn't sell, it no longer has a home in my garage. It is as good as gone...

I want to start this school year off, fresh and de-cluttered. We aren't buying a lot of school supplies, instead I've taken an inventory of the stuff we already have and we will not add to the list unless absolutely necessary...

Speaking of school, it won't be long before we dive into our second year of homeschooling. I've learned so much in our first year and I have to remind myself to just keep going...
The real challenge has been keeping the baby busy while we are "in study".

I'd like share some ideas that I found:

Independent Activities for a one year old {while the big kids are "in study"} :

Make a textured book

A peekaboo tray from a shoebox lid

A tissue box filled with fabric squares

Pipe Cleaners and Containers


Tactile Exploration Cards

Ball Tube

Hope you find as much worth in these ideas as I do. Thanks to all you brilliant Mamas.

Oh and I found this and wanted to share it with y'all {hehe}

Have a blessed day!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Grow it! {Potatoes}

We are going to plant potatoes in containers...
Want to try?

First: Get a potato {or two}
Second: Rinse it under water and let it sit around until it has sprung an
eye {or a shoot whatever you want to call it}

Third: Pull off all the eyes except for two good and strong ones
Fourth: Get a bucket, throw in the potato {eyes pointed upward}

Fifth: Throw some good soil {compost}on top...only filling the
bucket about half-way. Water.

Sixth: wait about a week {or a few days} until you start to see
the shoots poke through the soil. Cover the shoots again with more soil. Water.
You'll do this about three times until you fill the bucket just about to the top with soil. Don't forget to give them water...but not too much!

Seventh: Wait for the shoots again, only this time let them grow grow grow!

Eighth: When the plant gets big and starts to die, tip the bucket over and see how many potatoes you grew!

Let me know how you do!!

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