Friday, November 5, 2010

Some news...

I've had this (semi) secret obsession about having another baby before it's "too late". I am a newborn photographer so I see brand new babies all day every day and I LOVE them ...and I LOVE my beautiful children so much... before Danny was living here full time I was planning out the best time to start really trying to have a baby. I figured if we started trying as soon as the next ovulation after he arrived it would perfect, because I would have the baby before the hot summer started. It was all perfect!

I am one who has no patience for time to pass appropriately before taking a pregnancy test. I've been through at least a dozen that continuously turned out negative, but I didn't give up...

God answered my prayers...

I'm now seven weeks pregnant! the only thing we need to do is get a new car, a new house, everything baby and we're all set. Ya know just a couple things ;)
We are having a heck of a time even thinking about names. It all seems so surreal right now which makes it hard. As always it will just feel right when it comes to us.
Thank you God, none of this would be possible without you!


  1. Hallelujah Angie Happy news a name how does Esther sound if its a girl?

  2. Mike! When I told Danny that I did an anouncement blog, he said "I need to call my brother!"
    It's funny Danny said Esther too! It's hard because I knew someone with that name. A very mean old lady from my child hood, I just can't see past that... hmmmm...
