Saturday, December 10, 2011

Family trip to D.C...

We went on a family trip to D.C. last weekend...thank you Uncle Mike!! We love you!
It was great fun and had it's challenging moments.
I find it so interesting to people-watch when we travel and I often notice that we are usually the biggest family out and about {although I did see a family of eight as the Natural History Museum}.

The big kiddos are used to traveling, but this was our first time taking Jude on a trip.
He acted just like a Zere...our children were born to travel...

We had a whole day of sightseeing planned for Saturday although we didn't get to see everything we had planned...

We went to President Obama's house and saw what I thought was the national Christmas tree, but then saw them putting it up on the news a few days later...ha!

It's kind of a Zere family tradition to "hit up" an Ethiopian restaurant when we're in the city {any city}. So we decided on a place, asked for directions, got lost, then got really lost {on foot with a giant stroller and a bunch of hungry, cold, and tired kids}. So after walking about 20 blocks out of the way {I'm really not exaggerating here} we finally made it! It was so small, and quaint and clearly not set up for a family of six schlepping a giant stroller. The hostess gave us a sad, yet uncomfortable look and said "awww I'm guessing you didn't make reservations tonight" make a long story short...they gave us a table, great food, great service, a discount, and lots of leftovers. Danny even got a chance to brush up on his Amharic. Everything worked out pretty well, we ended up breaking a glass, but was all in good humor.

So Sunday we split up. Danny and Kobe caught the Jets game and the girls, Jude, and I caught up with great friends at a Lebanese restaurant...yum! {Sorry we missed you in the picture Lily}

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