Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's been a long and winding road...

I"m 33 today!

Back in the day I could never picture myself at 33.

I would have never known what true happiness was or how to obtain it.

Back in the day I could never picture what it would be like to be a mother or a wife.

I would have never known what true love was or how to obtain it.

Back in the day I could never picture myself living a simple life.

I would have never known what true beauty was or how to obtain it.

Back in the day I could never picture myself at 33.

I would have never known how truly fragile life is {I'm so blessed to have made it this far}

Back in the day would always say I want to live happily ever after.

I would have never known that I was on the right path all along...


  1. Beautiful! Happy Birthday Angela! With love, Victoria

    1. Thanks Victoria! I hope all is well with you and yours! Peace and love! ~A
