Saturday, July 14, 2012


Such as life...moving fastly-forward. Not enough time to really comprehend the moments and experiences. Thank God we are equipped with the ability to pull out moments from our memory and savor them when all is quiet.
Lately I've had a few ill-struck glimpses in the mirror and noticed a tired, older, me staring back. I immediately make promises to myself {and to whomever else is present at that moment} "Oh dear, I need to exercise" or "I'm going to start eating more nutritiously", but overall I haven't taken myself up on any of these promises/ideas/good intentions.
A few days ago we went for a family walk/hike through the woods to a nearby play park. After grumbling and complaining about the heat I convinced the family to turn back to the air-conditioned home.
Then, again this morning we ventured through the woods...
I feel so revived and recharged...

“In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
―   John Muir

I will be walking into the woods much more often. I need it...more than I ever knew...

I like to just sit at the play park and watch my children's funny to see how they all just explore in their own ways...

Can you find all of them?

Give up?

I always wondered {before having a lot of children} how parents with a lot of children were able to spread their love between so many...
I never realised that the more children we have, the more love we gain. My heart seems too big for my body at times...

My heart grows every minute, and even doubles in size when I see my children loving each other...

We celebrated a very special 1st birthday 1 week ago...

Happy Birthday to my curly-haired baby boy! We love you more than the night loves the moon and the flowers love their bloom...

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